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North Sutherland Community Forest Trust

Community Owned & Community Run

We own an area of plantation forestry in Forsinain as well as a sawmill and sheds. The plantation is mid-rotation with occasional harvested timber providing income to the trust as well as being used for logs for the sawmill and firewood sales.

In 2021 we began looking into the purchase of Rosal clearance village and surrounding forestry in a joint project with Strathnaver Musuem. Click to find out more:

What We Do

Borgie Cabin

We own one of the log cabins at Borgie Breco. The cabin is available to hire by the local community for events.

Firewood Sales

As part of out activities at Forsinain we cut and process firewood as logs, rounds or splits which we can deliver locally.


We have a sawmill at Forsinain. At the moment the sawmill is not operational but we intend to bring this back into use shortly.