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Borgie Forest Friends

Borgie Forest Friends are a group of volunteers who meet monthly to maintain Borgie Forest and the NSCFT cabin at Borgie Breco.

NSCFT have an arrangement with Forestry and Land Scotland to work together on maintaining and improving the forest at Borgie. These working days have so far included weeding around the cabin, tidying up the existing paths at Borgie Breco, work on our new Polycrub as well as cleaning and maintenance of the cabin. There is something for everyone to do!

The Friends meet on the last Sunday of each month between 10am and 2pm, and lunch is provided courtesy of NSCFT.

The next Borgie Forest Friends meet up will take place on:

Sunday 31st March 2024, 10am to 2pm, meet at the cabins, Borgie Breco

If you would like to join then keep an eye on the dates here or contact us by email to to find out more.