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In 2003 NSCFT purchased two large Drying Sheds at Forsinain and surrounding forest land with the assistance from HIE Community Land Unit and the Lottery Community Fund. The buildings were acquired with the aim of setting up a timber processing facility using the timber being cut on the nearby peat flows and other local forests. NSCFT established contracts with RSPB to fell timber as part of the European Community LIFE Peatlands Restoration Project and these are ongoing until the end of 2021 when the final block is felled. A Business Plan was drawn up in 2005 with the aim of being fully operational for three years supplying wood to meet identified local demand. This plan was successfully implemented at first, however, due to the full-time Sawyer leaving, and not being replaced, work at the Sawmill ceased but remains fully equipped with machinery and tools.

Since then, any work carried out has been carried out voluntarily by suitably skilled members of the NSCFT Board. More recently, the Board have paid a part-time self-employed Sawyer to provide limited supplies to the community (mainly firewood).

We are working to revive the sawmill part of the trust and welcome any input from members.