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About the Trust

North Sutherland Community Forestry Trust (NSCFT), established in May 2000, is a Company Limited by Guarantee and has been registered as a charity since 2002. The main aim of NSCFT when it was set up was to generate economic benefit for the area through community ownership and management of local forests.

NSCFT currently has a membership of 100 community residents and is run by a voluntary Board of Directors elected for their specialist areas of knowledge and expertise. It covers the North Sutherland parishes of Tongue and Farr.

Its constitutional purposes are “to promote for the public benefit rural regeneration, following the principle of sustainable development, in areas of social and economic deprivation” and “to advance the education of the community about its environment and culture.”


Andreas Herfurt, Chair
Alistair Easthope, Secretary
Hugh Black
Tim Curtis
Rosemary Macintosh
Anna MacConnell
Gillian MacPherson
David Marks
Sandy Murray