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Membership of North Sutherland Community Forest Trust is open to everyone living in the parishes of Durness, Tongue and Farr. Membership is free. Please complete the membership form below to join and receive the following benefits:

  • Have a say in the running of NSCFT
  • Purchase firewood and timber from the sawmill
  • Use the log cabin at Borgie at a discounted rate (Ordinary members only)
  • Be kept up to date on the trust’s operations and news

Even if you have joined before, it would be great if you could fill in the form below so that we have up to date contact information.

Membership Details:

Type of Membership:

Ordinary Members: those individuals aged 16 and over who are: a) are resident in the community;
b) are entitled to vote at a local government election in a polling district that
includes the Community or part of it; and c) support the purposes of NSCFT.

Associate Members: those individuals and organisations who are: a) are not entitled to vote at a local government election in a polling district that includes the Community or part of it; b) and support the purposes of NSCFT. Associate Members are neither eligible to stand for election to the Board nor to vote at any AGM or GM.

Junior Members: those individuals who: a) are aged between 12 and 15 and b) support the Purposes.
Junior Members are neither eligible to become Directors on the Board nor can they vote at any AGM or GM.


Liability of the trust’s members is limited. Every member of the Company undertakes to contribute such amount as may be required (not exceeding £1) to the property of the Company if it should be wound up whilst he, she or it is a Member or within one year after he, she or it ceases to be a member (for whatever reason), for payment of its debts and liabilities contracted before he, she or it ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up.

You can download and read the full Articles of Association here.


By ticking this box you agree to NSCFT holidng your membership information and using it for the purposes of contacting you from time to time about the trust's activities. We will not share your information.